Increasing Positives

Increasing Positives

Learn practices that are important for creating greater emotional balance and positivity in your life. Learn how to increase positive emotions, care for yourself, and reduce stress.

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Increasing Positives
  • Accumulating Positive Emotions in the Short Term

    Learn how to increase positive emotions in the short term. Part of the DBT Skills ABC PLEASE.

  • Pleasurable Activities List

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    List of pleasurable activities to help increase positive emotions in the short term.

  • Accumulating Positive Emotions in the Long Term

    Learn how to create positive emotions in the long term by understanding your values and working towards goals based on your values.

  • Goal Development

    Learn to develop goals and increase likelihood of achieving those goals.

  • Values Inventory Worksheet

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    Worksheet to help you to identify personal values and to assess how much you are living according to those values.

  • Examples of Values Handout

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    This worksheet provides examples of values for numerous categories. Can be used in conjunction with the Values Inventory PDF.

  • Bulls Eye Values Worksheet

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    Use this worksheet to assess the extent to which you are living according to your values.

  • Goal Setting Worksheet

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    Worksheet to guide you through developing goals based on your values.

  • Increasing Behaviors that You Want

    Learn how to use reinforcement to increase behaviors that you want more of in yourself and others. Learn positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and shaping.

    Positive Reinforcement: Something rewarding is added when a behavior occurs, which increases the likelihood that the behavior wi...

  • Importance of Self-Care

    Self-care is emotional hygiene. It helps us to maintain or create emotional balance and can help to keep emotional problems from getting worse. Especially during difficult times, self-care is an essential practice to enhance your wellbeing and to be as effective as possible.

  • Self-Care Ideas Worksheet

    114 KB

  • Gratitude Practice

    Gratitude is a great way to lift mood and improve the moment. Setting up a regular gratitude practice is an effective way to bring greater positivity into your life and to combat depression and low mood.

  • Loving Kindness Instructional Video

    Loving kindness is a mindfulness practice that can help to increase compassion of love your yourself and others. It can protect us and also help to keep us from holding onto judgmental and ill will towards ourselves and others. When practiced regularly, loving kindness practice can improve mood...

  • Loving Kindness Meditation

    Listen to the guided loving kindness meditation to bring more loving kindness and compassion to yourself and others. This practice is helpful for helping to generate positivity and reduce emotional suffering.

  • IMPROVE the Moment

    The DBT IMPROVE skills help to intentionally increase positives in a situation. This skill is part of the DBT Distress Tolerance module and can help you to effectively deal with distressing emotions by improving the moment.

  • IMPROVE the Moment Journal

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    Use this journal worksheet to track your practices of the IMPROVE skills. What do you observe?

  • Self-Soothing

    The DBT Self-Soothe skills help you to nurture and soothe yourself when you are experiencing an intense emotion. These skills can also be used as important self care techniques to reduce stress.

  • Self-Soothe Journal

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    Use this journal worksheet to track your use and observations of Self-Soothe practices. Remember, you don’t have to wait for intense emotions to use these skills! Self-Soothing Skills can also be used as important self-care techniques to reduce stress.