Distress Tolerance Skills Collection

Distress Tolerance Skills Collection

Life can be challenging and painful emotions can accompany those challenges. Learning DBT Skills on how to effectively handle intense emotions is essential for being able to move towards your goals and create a fulfilling life. Use skills to stop engaging in destructive or ineffective behaviors that can cause negative consequences in your life.

Distress Tolerance Skills Collection
  • Distress Tolerance - All Worksheets and Handouts

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  • Intro to Distress Tolerance

    Introduction to the DBT Distress Tolerance module. Learn how and when to use the distress tolerance skills. Overview of acceptance strategies and crisis survival strategies.

  • 5 Ways to Deal with a Problem

    Learn five basic ways to deal with a problem. The DBT Skills on this video platform will give you the tools that you need to deal effectively with problems.

    1. Stay miserable
    2. Make things worse by acting ways that may lead to negative consequences now or in the future.
    3. Problem solve the...

  • Accepting Reality

    Learn how to reduce emotional suffering by accepting your reality. Radical acceptance allows us to accept the reality that you are in instead of the reality you wish you were in. Doing this allows you to act effectively according to your reality. Based on DBT Skill of Radical Acceptance.

  • Acceptance Skills - Clip from live class

    Watch this clip from our Live DBT Skills class where we discussed the Acceptance Skills of Radical Acceptance, Turning the Mind, and Willingness.

  • Reality Acceptance Worksheet

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  • Radical Acceptance Steps Handout

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  • Accepting Reality through the Body

    Learn ways that your body can communicate to your mind in order to create greater acceptance and to reduce emotional suffering. Learn the helpful DBT Skills of half-smile and willing hands.

  • STOP Skill: Reduce Impulsive Action

    Learn the very valuable DBT STOP skill, which helps you to slow down your reactions and respond with mindful awareness.

    S - Stop
    T - Take a step back
    O - Observe
    P - Proceed Mindfully

  • STOP Worksheet

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  • Distraction Skills: Wise Mind ACCEPTS

    Use the DBT ACCEPTS skills to Distract when feeling intense emotion. Distracting can be helpful in distracting your mind from things that may reactivate the strong emotion.

  • Wise Mind ACCEPTS: Distraction Observation Worksheet

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    Crisis survival strategies focus on finding ways to survive and tolerate the moment without engaging in problem behaviors. These skills are about doing what works to get through the moment of crisis without making things worse with problematic coping methods. Crisis survival skills are essential...

  • TIPP - Reducing Intense Emotion through the Body

    The DBT TIPP skill helps to rapidly change an emotion by creating neurophysiological changes that create a sense of calm and wellbeing.

  • TIPP Observations Worksheet

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    Use the “TIPP” Skill to change your body chemistry to reduce extreme emotions quickly. Use Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, and Progressive Muscle Relaxation when: You are feeling emotionally overwhelmed, completely in Emotion Mind, or your emotion is so intense that you are not p...

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation Instructions

    This video will explain how to do a progressive muscle relaxation practice to improve relaxation and reduce emotional intensity.

  • Self-Soothing

    The DBT Self-Soothe skills help you to nurture and soothe yourself when you are experiencing an intense emotion. These skills can also be used as important self care techniques to reduce stress.

  • Self-Soothe Journal

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    Use this journal worksheet to track your use and observations of Self-Soothe practices. Remember, you don’t have to wait for intense emotions to use these skills! Self-Soothing Skills can also be used as important self-care techniques to reduce stress.

  • IMPROVE the Moment

    The DBT IMPROVE skills help to intentionally increase positives in a situation. This skill is part of the DBT Distress Tolerance module and can help you to effectively deal with distressing emotions by improving the moment.

  • IMPROVE the Moment Journal

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    Use this journal worksheet to track your practices of the IMPROVE skills. What do you observe?

  • New! Urge Management: 15 Minute Rule

    Stop acting on urges that lead to negative consequences! This video provides you with a simple strategy that you can use if you struggle with acting on urges. Use the handout for a quick reference!

  • Urge Management Handout

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  • Urge Surfing

    Watch this video to learn a DBT technique called Urge Surfing. It is the mindfulness practice of riding the wave of your urge without acting on it. With time, your brain will begin to recognize that you can experience and urge with out needing to act on it.

  • Pros and Cons

    Watch this video to learn how to use Pros and Cons to better connect to Wise Mind during distress when having urges to act in problematic ways. This video is a clip from a previous live DBT Skills class.

  • Pros and Cons of Regulating Emotion Worksheet

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