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Distraction Skills: Wise Mind ACCEPTS
Distress Tolerance Skills Collection
5m 37s
Use the DBT ACCEPTS skills to Distract when feeling intense emotion. Distracting can be helpful in distracting your mind from things that may reactivate the strong emotion.
Up Next in Distress Tolerance Skills Collection
TIPP - Reducing Intense Emotion throu...
The DBT TIPP skill helps to rapidly change an emotion by creating neurophysiological changes that create a sense of calm and wellbeing.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Instruc...
This video will explain how to do a progressive muscle relaxation practice to improve relaxation and reduce emotional intensity.
The DBT Self-Soothe skills help you to nurture and soothe yourself when you are experiencing an intense emotion. These skills can also be used as important self care techniques to reduce stress.