Basics about Emotions
Gain a basic understanding of emotions and how they work. Develop healthier beliefs about emotions.
Emotions: Healthy ways of looking at emotions
Learn all about emotions! Understand what is good about emotions and how to develop a healthier relationship to your emotions.
Positive Self Statements Handout
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List of positive affirmations about emotions.
Limiting Beliefs/Myths about Emotions
480 KB
Biosocial Theory: Why Some People Struggle with Emotions
Learn about the DBT Biosocial Theory, which explains why some people struggle with difficulties regulating emotions.
Biosocial Theory: Clip from Live DBT Skills Class
Watch this clip from our live DBT Skills class where we discussed the Biosocial Theory, which explains why some people struggle with chronic emotion dysregulation.
The Importance of Self-Validation
Telling yourself, "don't feel sad," doesn't change that you are feeling sad. Learning how to validate and hold compassionate space for your emotions is a much more effective (and kind) approach. Self-validation helps your the emotional part of your brain to begin to quiet so that you can then m...
Model of Emotion
Learn the general way that emotions work. Learn things that keep emotions around for a long time and behaviors that reactivate emotions.
Primary Emotions
Learn about the primary emotions and the ways that we experience emotions, associated action urges, and the gifts of those emotions. Learn about happiness, sadness, anger, fear, shame, guilt, jealousy, envy, disgust, and love.
Primary Emotions Worksheet: Observing and Describing Emotions
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Explore your emotions and various common prompting events, interpretations, emotional experiences, emotional expressions, and after effects that happen when you experience a one of the primary emotions.
How Thinking Influences Emotion
Common Thinking Mistakes
This video describes numerous common thinking patterns that can increase negative emotion and make life more difficult to handle.
Finding Balance: Dialectics
Learn how to use dialectical thinking to create greater balance in your life and improve relationships. From "DBT Skills .
Thinking Mistakes Handout
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In this handout you'll find some common thinking mistakes, which can lead to misinterpreting situations and experiencing painful emotions. Try to notice (nonjudgmentally) when use one of these thinking mistakes and see if you can come up with a new dialectical thought in its place.
Rethinking Thinking Mistakes Worksheet
441 KB