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Dealing with Anxiety - Five Tips
Introduction to Overcoming Anxiety, Depression and Other Emotional Challenges
1m 19s
Learn five ways to deal with anxiety. Video originally filmed as a commercial.
Up Next in Introduction to Overcoming Anxiety, Depression and Other Emotional Challenges
The DBT Self-Soothe skills help you to nurture and soothe yourself when you are experiencing an intense emotion. These skills can also be used as important self care techniques to reduce stress.
IMPROVE the Moment
The DBT IMPROVE skills help to intentionally increase positives in a situation. This skill is part of the DBT Distress Tolerance module and can help you to effectively deal with distressing emotions by improving the moment.
Gratitude Practice
Gratitude is a great way to lift mood and improve the moment. Setting up a regular gratitude practice is an effective way to bring greater positivity into your life and to combat depression and low mood.