Relationship Enrichment

Relationship Enrichment

Build stronger relationships. Improve existing relationships and learn how to increase intimacy.

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Relationship Enrichment
  • New! Eye Contact during Interpersonal Interactions

    Learn about how to use eye contact effectively to improve interpersonal interactions.

  • Mindfulness in Relationships

    Interview with Alma Quagliato about how to be more mindful in relationships with others.

  • New! Improving Interactions through Social Signaling

    Learn how you can improve interpersonal interactions through social signaling! Important RO-DBT skills to improve connections with others! Video by Alma Lovaton Quagliato, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Check out the About page on for information about Alma!

  • Increasing Intimacy in Relationships - Match +1

    This video teaches the Radically Open DBT Skill called Match +1. This skill helps to provide guidance for how to increase intimacy in relationships with others.

  • Building Emotional Intimacy - Match +1

    172 KB

    Match + 1 is a skill from Radically Open DBT that provides guidance for how to mindfully increase intimacy in relationships.

  • Match-+1 Emotional Intimacy Rating Scale

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    Use this scale to assess the emotional intimacy of your relationships. You can also use it as a gage to understand how to increase your intimacy by using Match +1.

  • Parenting Dialectical Dilemmas

  • Finding Parenting Balance: Dialectical Dilemmas

    101 KB

    Use this worksheet to evaluate where you fall on various continuums of parenting behavior. If there is an area that seems out of balance, what can you do to achieve greater dialectical balance?

  • Build Confidence & Reduce Social Anxiety to Build Self-Esteem

    Do you struggle to feel confident socially? Do you find yourself feeling anxious or insecure when you interact with others? Social anxiety is a common struggle that many people face and it usually involves feeling fearful of rejection and not good enough around others. Not feeling confident socia...

  • New! Setting Limits and Assertiveness with Others to Build Self-Esteem

    Often, people with low self-esteem have difficult setting healthy limits, being assertive, and prioritizing themselves. Watch this video to learn how to improve self-esteem and self-respect by being more assertive and setting limits with others. Learn how to use the DBT Skill of Opposite Action t...